Aye Carumba :: I'm a boy from India... though old enough to be considered a 'grown-up'... I havn't let go of so many things... the world through my eyes is the world I have written about here :: Of the life and times of Me ::

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

War Against Viral !!

This post was first published on 13th April 2005 at 07:41 PM on my previous blog

So just about a few minutes after my last entry here... i started shivering... and then i knew for sure.. fever was on its way.. maybe a few minutes away.. i had kinda seen it coming.. about 3-4 days earlier i had chilled pepsi with ice.. my throat had kinda started getting weird from right then... neway what follwed after shivering was one of my most uncomfortable nights ever ! Couldn't sleep properly at all ! And then suprisingly.. last night was one of my most comfortable ever ! The doc said i should be fine by tomm... its just a viral attack.. but i feel almost back to normal today itself... this is like my annual fever drill.. Thankfully i hardly ever fall sick except for token times like these.. once or twice a year for a day or two !!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Originally posted on April 13 2005 11:16 PM

well well well look whose complaining abt fever!! u having a great time being taken care of !! lolz.. get well soon already!!

2:20 PM, October 18, 2006


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