Aye Carumba :: I'm a boy from India... though old enough to be considered a 'grown-up'... I havn't let go of so many things... the world through my eyes is the world I have written about here :: Of the life and times of Me ::

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Of an Australian pervert !!

First things first...

Hang the bastard... hang the bastard... HANG THE BASTARD !!

This man...

Sheikh Taj Aldin Al Hilali - Considered to be the senior most Mufti in Australia and New Zealand

is a pervert !! A horny, frustrated and bitter man who also is the new bench-mark of shallowness !! This so called 'religious leader' had the following to say about women...

"If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden, or in the park, or in the backyard without cover, and the cats come to eat it ... whose fault is it, the cats' or the uncovered meat's?"

He said this in reference to rape ! So lets get this straight... he thinks women are just 'meat'... he also thinks that it is the women's fault if she gets raped... hmmm... also... he had this to say about how women should 'avoid' rape...

"If she (a woman) was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred."

Right... so... women are meat... Its their fault if they get raped... and... a women's place is in her home behind a veil... hmmmm... why havn't the Australians prosecuted him already ?!?! This guy said all this with conviction, to a large gathering and after all this time... he is still a senior leader in the Australian muslim clergy ?!?! Amazing ! I'm ashamed on behalf of the Australian Muslim ! You guys suck ! That's for showing your support to him ! How far has religion altered your minds that you cannot differentiate between religious teachings by a pious man and rubbish flowing out of a perverts mouth ?!?! Its amazing ! And because of the outcry from the 'general public' after these remarks... all that he is forced to do is take a three month 'vacation' ! That's punishment ? Wow !

I understand freedom of speech and all... but come on ! The Australian Muslim community can't let this happen ! This dude claims to represent you ! He is considered a senior leader in your world ! Do these views of his represent your views too ?!?! Why can't we stand up for whats right and not support a jerk just because he belongs to 'our' religion ?!?!

Today he speaks like this... tomm he might act in a similar manner... this is the stuff fundamentalists are made off... wake up Australians (of all religions)... there is a perv in your midst !!

No no... The press got me wrong... what I really meant was that I like fantasizing about sexy women while I'm screwing a piece of meat !


Blogger Ahmer Hasan said...

Ya... I have heard of this Hudood Ordinance... not by this name though... I swear... the four men would probably be the rapists themselves ! I wonder what kind of an ass would come up with this stuff ?!?!

The issue ofcourse is much more relevent in India... Here too people lay blame squarely on the girl for being raped ! And its not only rape... in India, the victim is most often treated as the culprit no matter what the crime...

Makes it easier for the cops to 'solve' the case I guess...

11:46 AM, October 30, 2006

Blogger Kartik said...

that's the problem, hindu's cant really say anythin on this issue because they think exactly the same way. But at least it shows that hindus and muslims think alike huh? hindu mulim bhai bhai!
the hudood ordinance is actully followed in pakistan

8:51 PM, October 30, 2006

Blogger Ahmer Hasan said...

Yea... wish we can get that bhai bhai feeling all over... Wouldn't that be something !

And Pakistan has a lot of these probs man... even the Honour killing system they got their makes me go nuts !! But... I guess thats here too... they arn't too different from us... Same lineage !

1:12 AM, October 31, 2006

Blogger Kartik said...

exactly we are after all basically the same fucked up people

8:57 AM, October 31, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats all that i have to say abt this funny named dude!
but ainu seriously.. there is so much filth in this world that u really cannot keep a track.. its jus humanly not possible.. as far as perverts like him are considered.. they are available dime a dozon.. it is best not to give em any importance..and thats where people lack! look at this example..infact there are a numerous others as well.. from sania's short skirts to wearing jeans in kashmir! topics like these are blown out of proportion! some stupid "wonder what they are called" group of people issue fatwas and expect those bullshit orders to be followed! Its all the fault of PEOPLE who encourage these jerks! In fact i dont think they even deserve the attention of the media!
Also, it is the misfortune of women to be victimised like this.. but there are incident where provocation also plays a role in modifying the general tendency or the mindset of the already fragile - in process of becoming a Major pervert mind.. not necessarily by the victim, but maybe someone else(maybe like Rakhee Sawant or something.. ya some gurls make eveyone else look like MEAT.. :p)
and then finaly.. the absence of law and order.. or the understanding that " i can get away with this". which is probably the case with most bast***s! look at jethmalani twisting the complete jessica lal case now!
The rules definitely need to be stronger.. and penalty good enuff!!(( ARE U READING MR LAWMAKER!! PLEASE DO SOMEHTING..DOT JUS SIT THERE READIN IT!))

anyway... its jus a lotta filth we are talking abt.. now to the better part.. ya.. it is sometimes nice to have da hijab on.. for a beautiful mind that in itself is very sexy.. sometimes u can be covered from top to bottom. .and still leave a lasting impression.. more tahn often i ve heard from guys how they longed to see the face behind the veil.. coz the enigma.. and the long lasting impression of da hazel eyes kept em awake all night!! (hee hee..thoda zaada ho gaya!).. but seriously.. a good mix and match makes a chic chic! :)

11:24 PM, November 03, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

GosH!! that looks longer than ur post! :p

11:25 PM, November 03, 2006

Blogger Ahmer Hasan said...

Axe, Its not about giving people like these importance... sometimes you are just so pissed at the stupidity of the entire thing that it makes it difficult to stay quite. Besides that... if everyone just stays quite and doesn't protest, then doesn't that give people like him more encouragement... they'd think... well... no one is bothered... then we can keep doing this and get away with it !!

Also, fragile mind or not... one just cannot blame someone else for ones actions... especially in cases like rape... its silly you know if in the court a rapist would say, "Well your honour... its not my fault... I saw a Rakhi Sawant video on TV and got really horny... went out and saw this girl and I jut HAD to rape her... its not my fault.. Its Rakhi Sawants... she provocated me !!" Besides... 80% of the rapists are well known to the victims !

And yes... I agree with you on the law and order situation... Its horrible here... the Cops are so mean to the victims that they usually end up mentally raping her again !!

On the Hijab issue... I think its really a matter of personal choice... and I'm past the stage of Hijab having that mysterious effect on me ! Sure... Sometimes you see those beautiful eyes and wonder what lies beneath but I'd rather persue a face I can see, rather than wonder what 'may' be !! :-p

2:18 AM, November 05, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well u got me a lil wrong there.. people like these exist because they are being followed.. when i said they shud be ignored, it ment that these stupid soules should not follow em..

8:43 PM, November 05, 2006

Blogger Ahmer Hasan said...

Yea but then if people had that much sense then there wouldn't a problem at all now would there be !?!?! Eh ? Eh ?

8:46 PM, November 05, 2006

Blogger Ahmer Hasan said...

Hear hear !!

12:00 PM, November 10, 2006

Blogger Kartik said...

where you disappeared to? no new posts? i am experiencing withdrawal here.
ps. what happened to chaddiblast?

7:09 PM, November 10, 2006


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