Aye Carumba :: I'm a boy from India... though old enough to be considered a 'grown-up'... I havn't let go of so many things... the world through my eyes is the world I have written about here :: Of the life and times of Me ::

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Of Evolution, Intelligent Design and The New Earth Creationists

This post was first published on 8th October 2006 at 02:29 PM on my previous blog

People might think i'm obsessed with religion and religion vs. science arguments. But there are some things that I just need to get out of my system !

A few days ago, I did a bit of reading about the great debate on the 'origins' of earth and human beings (evolution vs. intelligent design) and well, I think it cannot get anymore dummer than this ! I mean some parents are actually insisting that 'Intelligent Design' be taught in 'Science' classes in school ! Science classes ?? What the hell does science haveta do with Intelligent Design ?? Infact what does 'schooling' haveta do with intelligent design ? Evolution is taught because it is a part of out presently accept notions in science. Intelligent design is nothing of that sort ! Then how does it merit the status of being taught in school ? If you want to teach 'your' kids that Darwin was wrong and that 'God' actually did it all, then take him/her to your helpful family priest ! Or tell him/her that yourself ! But why are you insisting on shoving 'this' down everyone else's throats too ?? Just imagine... on one hand teaching an entire generation of kids about evolution and how we evolved from monkeys and on the other hand telling 'em that thats all crap and 'God' intended us to be this way and hence we are ! Those poor kids won't know what hit them ! Now I believe in 'live and let live', but when things start getting screwed up on a larger scale then it really pisses me off ! I cannot imagine my kids ever learning about 'Intelligent Design' in school and then actually pretending that it has anything to do with science.

Personally I believe in evolution. It is the most likely explanation and a lot of evidence over the last couple of hundred years has pointed towards it being correct. But, I'll also grant that widely accepted science theories in the past have also failed at times and have been replaced by a better understanding of the past. None the less, evolution holds for now (and maybe for quite a long time to come) and is rooted in science. Facts and discoveries are used to validate it. It existes still because everything that we have discovered so far has led us to believe in it. On the other hand, the same is not the case with 'Intelligent Design' and 'New Earth Creationists'.

Before going any further, let us first understand what theory acutally means in todays science. It means a fact or established truth which is based on/validated/proved by other already proven facts. Therefore a 'theory' is not some idea that someone had. For example, earlier on we had the 'gravitational laws' or the 'magnetic laws', they weren't called theories but laws. Today we have the 'big band theory', 'quantum theory', 'theory of realtivity' etc. Now this doesn't mean that just because earlier ones were called laws then they are established truths, but rather, the term 'theory' means that in todays science. A theory is a fact based on other previously proven facts !

Of Evolution : The dude Darwin basically said that life first started off in the warter as single cell organisms and then devoloped to more and more complex beings as millions and millions of years passed and human eventually evolved out from apes. Also that all this was a random event and its just a matter of chance that it happened on this planet. This is widely taken to be the 'most logical' and 'scientific' answer to the 'where the fuck did we came from' question. All scientific evidence points to it. Till now atleast.

Of Intelligent Design : Now the people who believe in this say that human beings are too 'complex' and 'special' to have evolved from monkeys or algae. They say that some kind of higher intelligence (Mostly God) intended us to be this way and we have turned out to be, cause humans are just too 'smart' and 'special' to be a product of 'chance' and 'random occurance' (yea right!).

Of The New Earth Creationists : According to me, they are the worst of the lot ! Now these people claim that not only did God create man and that evolution is rubbish but also that the earth is just a few thousand years old and not millions as 'many' scientists claim ! ARE YOU KIDDIN ME ?!?!?! The worst part is that they pretend to validate their claims by science. I have read their reasoning and ITS FUCKIN CRAP ! Its NOT science.. ITS RUBBISH ! This one dude runs some natural reserve somewhere. There is an active volcano nearby. He points to the recent destuctive activities of the volcano and the effect it had on the surroundings and says that 'look ! a volcano just changed the entire place in a matter of hours! you don't need millions of years for it'. WoW ! You must have done your majors in geology ! :-p They say that the geological activity of the earth could have made it into what it is in a matter of a few thousand years. Hmmm... I got a few questions for you...

1. What about carbon dating ?
2. The fossils we find all the time ?
3. Coal and Oil that you dump up in your BBQs and SUVs ?

Very basic, please tell me how your 'science' can explain these happening in a matter of a few thousand years ? They also say that "oh! Evolution is just a 'theory'!"... Well... then you don't know what science is buddy (read what theory means a little uppar) !

Then I just don't get these American parents ! Whats with them ? The more devoloped they get, the dumber they seem to be getting. I mean you guys really don't have anything better to do than to push for an un-proven concept like 'Intelligent Design' in schools ?!?! If its a matter of faith then keep it to yourself, its supposed to be a very personal thing ! Teach it to your kids and tell it to anyone who might wanna hear, but trying to make it compulsary in schools ? Very irresponsible! Not only are you just going to confuse young kids but also make a mockery of science and everything that we as 'people' have discovered and achieved till now !!

I don't really think we 'humans' are anything special. To err is in our nature, we sin non stop, weakness is always in our hearts and so are selfishness and hippocarcy. I believe thats its a BIG 'CHANCE' that life devoloped on this planet! We could have ended up like Mars or Venus but we were lucky. I also think there must be more 'other' races out there who deserve more attention from God. We ain't nothing special !

And if indeed there was a 'higher being' who led to our creation then his role must have been limited to the primary atom which exploded to make the universe (big bang) or alternatively maybe some alien race decided to have a little experiment on earth and see how life evolves here.... BUT IN EITHER CASE... EVOLUTION STILL STANDS ! Some 'higher being' just moulding Adam and Eve in his lab and sending them down to earth just to populate... well... seems.... like a fairy tale (good to hear, hard to digest) ! And is definately NOT science !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Originally posted on October 08 at 9:24 PM

Umm.. ainz, all valid but before we indians start pointing fingers we should just take a look at what's going on at home. Even though we can be proud of the fact that indian schools try to teach evolution in the true sense, what they end up teaching is total crap. Most people i know agree with darwinism but have no clue about what it really is. What a lot of people in India consider 'darwinism' is actually a corrupted form of 'Lamarckism' Since the differences are subtle when you consider them from a broad perspective, nobody ever corrects their views.
The same applies to most science. Face it we are a hopelessly scientific country, i think the main problem is that science is taught in a manner similar to relgious instruction. We are encouraged to accept everything as a matter of faith.

1:27 PM, October 18, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Originally posted on October 08 at 10:17 PM

GoSh!! I can't believe u read all the crap about "intellegent design" .. anyway.. it is all rubbish! i completely dont mind people sharing their views and doing their thing as long they dont force others to agree or for that matter follow em! and talking abt faith.. well their arguments are so crappy that the concept will eventually get washed off by its own virtue! I HAVE FULL FAITH!

PS:u shud ve told me before putting my link here at least! Damn i gotta update it now!

1:29 PM, October 18, 2006

Blogger Ahmer Hasan said...

Originally posted on October 08 at 10:52 PM

Kartik, for me its not so much about being Indian or American but rather topics like these depress me to the core. I mean where is the collective intelligence and plain common sense of mankind heading ?!?! And don't even get me started on the Indian school system ! There is no scope to question or research anything ! Just cram it in and shut up ! Damn ! In 11th and 12th I tried to have a basic discussion with my Physics teacher about the Big Bang and stuff and suprises... beyond the defintion, he didn't have a fucking clue ! He'd always give me a blank look ! Besides all this, we are after all Indians... and that core 'Indian-ness' is like rooted inside of us ! You just can't get it out ! We people depend so much on faith that God (if indeed there is one) must hate us by now ! "Get off your asses and take control of your own destinies !!", he must yell ! Our country half runs on 'Bhagwan Bharose' !! :-p

Axa, I know like all dumb things this too will end one day but the mere fact that it exists annoys me no end. But, I guess I might be getting a bit too worked up bout this... screw them... let them believe whatever they want to... as long as they don't force it upon me or my herd ! And thank you for finally coming here, reading and actually writing ! :-p

1:30 PM, October 18, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Originally posted on October 09 at 9:49 PM

Hey kartik here ( i remembered... i remembered)
this may interest you http://kartikrajan.blogspot.com/2006/08/no-pepsi-please-we-prefer-raw-sewage.html
i too have nothing but contempt for the indian schooling system

1:31 PM, October 18, 2006

Blogger Ahmer Hasan said...

Originally posted on October 10 at 5:44 PM

Hey ! I had read this one !! Its incredible what people will believe in and claim it to be based on science. I'll tell you... work took me and my team to this studio for a while where we had to camp in, while our office was being shifted. So one day we were having a discussion on the same topic (my team and the studio staff) and one of the Ladies there said, "See, the black cat thing is not just supersition but is actually based in science". And I was like... "Come again?!?!" followed by "howz that?". Well... according to her, the black cat has a lot of 'negative energy' and so if she crosses your path, that negative energy will affect you. "Hmmmm... and how do we know that it has negative energy ?", I asked. "Because she has a lot of negative thoughts!", came the reply! EH! HUH? And how would anyone know that ?!?!?! Well... according to her, thats common knowledge ! :-O I didn't know what hit me more... her totally closed off thought process or the fact that she just called the entire joke 'science' ! That too without any proof or explanation. Bas hai to hai ! DAMMIT !! If she would've said Feng Shui then yea... maybe i wouldn't have cared as much... but COME ON LADY ! YOU ARE EDUCATED ! YOU GOT COMMON SENSE ! THINK ABOUT IT !

P.S. I think there is a place to type in your name when leaving comments. And therez also a space to type out your link. It shows one to me when I leave a comment.

1:32 PM, October 18, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Originally posted on October 10 at 6:15 PM

nope, i dont have a windows live space id so it doesn't allow me to type in either my name or blog address, luckily i have a hotmail id or i wouldn't be allowed to comment at all!
Funny thing about the cat though, maybe instead of common knowledge she needs some common sense

1:33 PM, October 18, 2006


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