Aye Carumba :: I'm a boy from India... though old enough to be considered a 'grown-up'... I havn't let go of so many things... the world through my eyes is the world I have written about here :: Of the life and times of Me ::

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Ainz is in the building !!

Aaaaahhhh.... I've moved !!! Finally !! Hmmm... I've gotten all my blogs.... and I've gotten all my comments !!!! So.... yea ! This is like my first Blogger entry !!! Yaaaaaeeeee.... I shall write a goodbye note on my MSN Live Spaces blog... cause even though MSN policy sucks (only MSN registered users can leave comments)... i liked my space !!

Also, a BIG THANK YOU to Kartik, for telling me about the date manipulation funda !!! ;-)

Later Update :

I've written my last goodbye on MSN Live Spaces and am totally 'Blogger Boy' now !! Yaaaeeee....


Blogger Kartik said...

Woah nice u look like you migratedwithout a hitch, great to see you could get your comments as well, how did you manage that. anywho welcome to the blogger community,
thanks so much for making the switch, msnwas getting to be a bit of apain to comment in. will update my link

11:32 AM, October 19, 2006

Blogger Ahmer Hasan said...

Hey... thanks dude... its great here but I do miss some of my old spaces tools... like, is there a statistics counter in blogger ?? I guess it will take me a lil while to get used to it and then start changing it how I see best !! ;-) Anyhow... moving took me the whole frekkin day... I had to cut and paste each comment one by one and then adjust the time and date... oooofff...

12:13 PM, October 19, 2006

Blogger Kartik said...

manomanoman sound like a lot of work!
anyway, there isn't anystatcounter that i know of, however you can use external statlogging widgets, i use one from http://statlogger.com, it alows you to keep your counter invisible and also gives you a 'highly' detailed account of all visitors icluding ip addresses, stalker alert!

1:56 PM, October 20, 2006

Blogger Ahmer Hasan said...

Yes! Yes ! I'm liking ith !! Berry Berry nice !!! Thanks man... I'd sure like to use this 'handy tool' !!

Heeheehohohaha !!!!!

5:39 PM, October 20, 2006


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