Aye Carumba :: I'm a boy from India... though old enough to be considered a 'grown-up'... I havn't let go of so many things... the world through my eyes is the world I have written about here :: Of the life and times of Me ::

Monday, October 02, 2006

Ouch ! Piracy hurts !!

This post was first published on 2nd October 2006 at 06:51 PM on my previous blog

Today, just a little while ago, I got a taste of what it is like to be standing on the other side of the priracy divide. Sniff... So there I was, logging on today after a day of activities in the 'real world' and I decided to check up on my email (Now the percentage of useful mail that anyone gets in a single day is always negligible but we check it religiously anyway). Got a couple of useless spam crap mails and a couple of forwards from an old old friend of mine. Deleted the spam and clicked on the first forward (almost mechanically) and hmmm... something about being a better Muslim and all... read through it... next... AND WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ?!?!?! WHOA ! HOLD THE PHONE... HOLD THE PHONEEEEEE !!!!!


I recognised what was written right away ! 'I' had written it ! A looooong time ago but had only decided to post it on my blog a few days ago ! It was all me ! So i scrolled up and down... no... NO... NO CREDIT ! I check the mailing list... its been forwarded to all contacts.... ALL CONTACTS !!

:'-/ All contacts from Orkut... thats like sending it free across the planet ! And without even a simple acknowledgement ! The blog was 'Un-Official Road Rules and Laws of Delhi'. Also, Delhi had been changed to India to make it relevent to everyone. I promtly mailed a protest to my friend but I guess the damage has been done. Its 'out there' now... in the public domain !

So... this is it... this is what it feels like. Maaaaannnnn... Piracy blows... The worst part is that I was going to send that blog to this publication and now... Damn disappointed.

Hmmm.. but can't even blame my friend. Bet he didn't really think about what he was doing. I knew him for a long time and am pretty sure he meant no harm. I only wish people are more careful. What makes us think that we can just take anything off the Internet and its ok ? We all do it all the time. Only this time I am at the 'other' end of the stick !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Originally posted on October 02 at 9:40 PM

jeez, that bites...ur friend? ouch... i think its shit that people just steal other's ideas like that. if i were u i wud send it to the publication anyway...u never kno...cud make u famous :P cool space, hows india? never been there, always wanted to go tho...:D
*lv d*

1:41 PM, October 18, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Originally posted on October 03 at 4:59 AM

Hey Ahmer

That's awful!!...as Danielle said...who was that prick anyway?...nasty bugger!...oh well...atleast u now know how the concepts freedom or speech and expression of freedom can go overboard...to the point of being totally unfair...we have another Anu Maliik (the greated copier in the bollywood music industy) in our hands...! ;)...

I was gna puy my views regarding the road codes of delhi...maybe another time...

U take care n don't be upset...we'll beat the shit outa that 'shit'...lol

Andi *^_^*

1:42 PM, October 18, 2006

Blogger Ahmer Hasan said...

Originally posted on October 04 at 11:35 AM

Heyyy.. its quite alright now... i'm getting over the initial shock... looking forward to your views on the Road rules !! Also... i'm glad you liked the 'History of the Earth's Future'. I can have a discussion on it anytime !!!! Thats more up my alley !!! :-D

1:43 PM, October 18, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Originally posted on October 04 at 9:18 PM

hey ainz, kartik here.
Just discovered your blog. great work, i loved the one about indian road rules.
It sucks that someone stole it . Anywho as they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

1:44 PM, October 18, 2006

Blogger Ahmer Hasan said...

Originally posted on October 05 at 1:16 PM

Hey thanks Kartik ! Glad you liked the rules... I'm pretty much over it now... and yea... I am kinda flattered ! :-p haha...

1:45 PM, October 18, 2006


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